Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 7: Standing head-to-knee. Oh, and welcome new feeling. My name is Chris. Great? your name is great? awesome.

Do you ever wonder what 'great' feels like? Beyond the "Hey, I feel good today." Even more than just the high you achieve from any random number of positives-new job, great dinner, rockin' sex. The me of yesteryear, say about yesterfiveyears ago, thought that good lay somewhere in the not feeling tired and not having a stomach ache region. Good was smiling after my sugar buzz from a kit kat big kat washed down with chocolate hormone-nastiness milk. I don't ever recall feeling amazing, except maybe during that three month period where I became a veggie...but then, I was just gassy from all those beans!
Since most of us don't have anything to compare our normal, seemingly good state to, it's hard to know what feeling great-physically, emotionally, mentally-really means. Like everything in life, we need two states of being. Everything we define has an antonym, a counter-balance by which we can express its quality. We know what our good day is by what a bad day feels like. Warmth and chill. tongue-jabber kissing and hot slam-me-against-the-door smooches. Opposite states, moments, physical expressions. We compare things to show the difference. And today, I was able to compare feeling good with the much better feeling of great. Good is finishing work with tired, but happy-I'm-done eyes; smiling at random people; giggling at funny memories that pop into my head. Generally happy, but not quite fulfilled with my day's work. Great, a step passed good, happened 30 minutes after yoga, post biking home. After walking in the door, I quickly did a number of chores without hesitation. I was efficient and happy. I moved with ease; no sluggishness in my way, slowing me down. Light. I felt light. And really really fucking happy. This is great to me.

Standing head-to-knee. Working on pushing more from the hip, curling over, flexing those toes and elongating out. Time, patience. It will happen.

1 comment:

  1. You are right! We don't know that we were previsouly feeling "bad" until suddenly we realize we are now feeling "good". I must confess, here on day 8 I'm starting to feel pretty damn good! :)
